Classes Currently Offered Online:
** Current pricing is $75 for a 6 week session. **
Discounts available for puppies being raised or fostered through non-profit organizations.

Puppy Preschool
Recommended for puppies
7-20 weeks of age
Covers informational and discussion topics, tips and homework assignments focused on: crate training, housebreaking, socializing, behavioral development, teaching puppies to learn, techniques for addressing undesirable behaviors, timing and introduction of basic commands, appropriate (and inappropriate) play, handling and other personalized topics pertaining to young puppies.
*** PLEASE NOTE: Puppies in this age category are strongly encouraged (and required by some organizations, if belonging to an organization) to also be enrolled in "traditional" training classes to maximize the socialization benefits in this critical period of development. ***

Basic Obedience and Manners
Ideal for any age dog.
Appropriate for puppies or dogs with little to no obedience training or those with an understanding of the basic commands.
Assignments are flexible to the training level of the dog and handler.
Covers introduction, generalization and proofing of Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Wait, Leave It, and leash walking
Provides discussions on dealing with a variety of common undesirable canine behaviors such as barking, mouthing, pulling on the leash, stealing items, playing keep-away and inappropriate urination or defecation.

Dogs must have an introduction and understanding of SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME and walking on a leash before enrolling in this course
Builds on previously introduced training commands and loose leash walking, and also covers greetings, distraction and proofing practice, handling and grooming, and out of sight stays/separation
Built around requirements for the Canine Good Citizen Test and provides information for taking the test for those who may be interested
Note: This course will also require the ability to take the dog outside of the home for some training practice and assignments
Level 2 Obedience/
Canine Good Citizen Test
Recommended for dogs over 1 year OR who have completed at least one of my previous online obedience classes
Dogs must have an introduction and understanding of SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME and walking on a leash before enrolling in this course
Focuses on increasing responsiveness and command refinement, more advanced proofing of basic commands, developing automatic sits, working on leash walk positioning, and teaching/advancement of Bed/Place, Kennel, Back/Move/Out, and Speak commands.